Financial Aid
Your education is probably the biggest investment you will ever make. It is an investment of both time and money. As such, you need to evaluate the benefits and costs of that investment. You must consider the time and money you will invest in your education versus the personal and professional goals you have set for yourself. Then make the best investment you can. Your goal should be to acquire the best possible education in a cost effective manner.
How you pay for your education is an important decision. Unless you currently have enough money in the bank to pay for school, you will need to finance your educational investment. In other words, you will be dependent on outside sources to help you pay for your education. Just as you investigated which schools have the best program for your educational goals, you must also gather information about how best to finance your education. This important decision should involve you, your family, and the school you want to attend.
Apply for Aid
The first step in financing for your education: apply for financial aid.
Temple University offers incoming and continuing students numerous scholarship opportunities.
Grants are often need-based, while scholarships are usually merit-based. This form of aid is often called “gift aid” because it does not have to be repaid.
Award Letters
Tips for helping you make a decision when you receive a financial aid award letter.
Financial Glossary
Understand the terminology used during the financial aid process.