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National Student Loan Database

National Student Loan Database

If you are not sure of the amount you have borrowed in student loans, transferred to another school with financial aid, or you do not remember who your lenders were for the student loans you received, then NSLDS is the place for you.

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the United States Department of Education's central database for student loans. NSLDS Student Access provides a centralized database of student loans so that recipients can review all of the student loans received from any school that was attended. The federal database contains a detailed list of your federal student loans and the lending institution from which you borrowed. It also maintains your interest rates and loan amounts. In order to use the NSLDS Student Access web site, you will need to provide your social security number, two digits of your last name, your date of birth and your PIN. The NSLDS website,, is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you need assistance when using the web site, please call the Federal Student Aid Information Center at 1-800-433-3243.

Please note that Health Profession Loans and private alternative loans information are not available on the NSLDS website.